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FungaSoap Testimonials
What satisfied customers are saying about FungaSoap…
Nothing is more effective
Dr. Jose Concha
“It really works. Following treatment of Athlete’s Foot or nail fungus infections, something needs to be used daily to prevent future outbreaks. I tell my patients nothing is more effective, easier to use, or more affordable than FungaSoap!"
Immediate RELIEF!!
Chris (San Diego, CA)
This product worked better than I could have imagined. I have really tried it all, athlete's foot has been a problem all my life. Playing sports or being active to where my feet were constantly an issue, I was finally able to find something that worked, and didn't just work a little the first time and then leveled off. It feels great to use, and I could feel the tingle of the soap working almost immediately when I used it. TRY IT- YOU'LL LOVE IT!!
Multi-Tasking Wash!
Malfouka (SF East Bay, CA)
I really like that not only did this product help with my little "fungus problem" but it also makes a great everyday cleanser! The only problem I have with Tea Tree Ultimates FungaSoap Cleansing Wash is that you can't use it for shampooing--why? why? Why have the gods of convenience forsaken me?
Win the fungus battle...
I Want Foot Fungus Relief!
Works for all fungal foot issues
M. Dolan (Chicago, IL)
This soap is great for athlete's foot and other fungal foot issues. I use it to great success for chronic athlete's foot and toenail fungus. My feet have greatly improved.
Even works on trench foot!
R. M. Bullard (Seattle, WA)
This stuff is amazing! My husband got trench foot in Afghanistan a few years back and tried a lot of different products but nothing took it away and it just got worse and worse. It was at the point where if he took his shoe off in the next room I could smell it and the whole bottom of his foot was dead skin, seriously. Well I researched products and thought I'd have him give this a try. This is our third time purchasing it and we always get two bottles at a time when we order and I won't even have him try another product because this works so well. It has a kind of strong smell to it but MUCH nicer than what his feet smell like without using it. I can always tell the days when he doesn't wash his feet with it after he takes off his boots because the smell starts to come back. There's been a couple times I've even used it when I felt I was getting athletes foot and it stopped the onset immediately. If you have a husband with a 'stinky foot' problem this is the stuff to get. If you get athletes foot, this is the stuff to get. If your feet sweat all day and you have problems because of it, this is the stuff to get. You won't be disappointed.
A Terrific all-over-body wash!
E. Swanson (Lake Michigan Shore)
I have treated a variety of symptoms with this wash! Our family keeps it regularly in the showers. We have bathed away many irritants from dermatitis to athletes' foot. It is gentle, smells fresh and we use it daily with wonderful results. Combined with keeping the shower floor cleaned up with some Clorox spray, this keeps our athletes' foot away.
Squeaky Clean
The product has a nice scent (slightly strong- but does not last). It lathers well and makes feel clean and feel fresh. I am not sure how effective it really is on eliminating fungus but still like the product. It is worth purchasing. I would have given the product 5 starts but the spout on top of the container is not effective and let’s more soap out than needed. A top like on a dish soap bottle would have been better or at least one with a smaller opening.
Tea Tree Oil FungaSoap
Kathleen T (Texas)
I have had a difficult rash - similar to Psoriasis - for months. If I wash my hands with this soap several times a day it disappears. As soon as I stop. its back. I tried many things like Cortisone products even had one prescribed and sometimes it got worse. Used different cremes and found that this soap was the answer.
Tea Tree Ultimate FungaSoap Cleansing Wash
Excellence!!!!!!! Best product on the market for Itchy feet, and have fungus, or feet that sweat a lot. I use it on my hands, some body parts, just a refreshing and great product!!!!
Win the fungus battle...
I Want Foot Fungus Relief!
Tried everything, this FungaSoap really works!
Susan Barker
My husband has had problems with his feet for years. He's tried all the lotions, sprays, and powders and they work for awhile, but he has trouble remembering to use them and he also doesn't like the mess. This product is easy to use daily, in the shower, and it really works! His feet have cleared up completely since he started using it.
Fungasoap Pedifix Liquid
Steven Michael (Machesney Park, Ill. U.S.A.)
A very good soap, especially if you are known to have problem skin (rashes, irritations, etc.). This soap kills any viruses or bacteria on the skin giving a more complete wash than normal soaps. The tea tree oil in this soap is known planet-wide for its healing capabilities. Give this product a shot and you will not regret it!
Excellent product!
Love P. Storey
This product is wonderful. I easily develop fungal rashes on my arms and legs and this is the only thing that works. I have been to dermatologists and they couldn't find a antifungal cream that was strong enough. It takes a couple of weeks for the rashes to disappear, so be patient, but after dealing with these rashes for years I have learned that this is the only product to use. I only gave it four stars though because I can't stand the eucalyptus scent.
Thank God for FungaSoap!
Bolinha (California)
I found this soap and gave it a try after reading that it is enriched with "Tea Tree Oil" and is excellent for other body parts as well. Pedifix is right and I cannot agree more with them when they say that it cleans, refreshes, washes away bacteria, and deodorizes the body (especially the feet). I usually wash my face especially near the nose area because this product somehow relieves my sinus problem. I love it when it makes that squeaky sound when I wash it away with water because it means that it's clean. FungaSoap is also great for underarm cleansing as well. ***I have extremely sensitive skin and this product is safe for people like moi.
I love this product
Lori S (Charlotte, NC)
I've been suffering with a stubborn ringworm infection for the past 9 months. I've tried everything from over-the-counter creams to prescription topical and oral meds. Nothing has really worked. At one point my torso was completely covered front to back, as were the backs of my thighs, and I had a few spots on my arms, neck, calves, and between my toes. It spread so quickly I couldn't keep up with it, even with the prescription meds, and I used everything as directed religiously. The main problem with my infection is that it would appear to be responding to treatment, and then all of a sudden "jump" to a new area of my skin and flourish. As soon as one section cleared up, another section would get really bad, and it would take another two months to get it under control. Meanwhile, a new section would pop up, and so on. I finally got tired of going back to the doctor and decided to do some research on alternative remedies. I happened upon FungaSoap, and have been using it along with 100% tea tree oil for about three months with excellent results. I use the FungaSoap as an all over body wash once a day, and after I shower I apply the tea tree oil with a cotton ball to the affected areas. This combination helped get all current areas of infection under control, and I strongly believe the FungaSoap stopped the cycle of spreading. I am down to a few almost indistinguishable spots, with no new breakouts in over a month. I'll continue to use both products until everything is completely gone, and for a couple of months after that to avoid recurrence. I couldn't be happier with this product. I was desperate and embarrassed and dreading the warmer months, but now I can wear my bikini again with confidence. A note about the smell: if you're not familiar with tea tree oil, it has a definite "astringent" smell, similar to eucalyptus. Some people don't like it, but I think it's a "clean" smell. It's not overpowering (at the not the soap - the pure oil can make your eyes water), and at any rate is a small inconvenience to endure for the effectiveness of the product.
Refreshing soak for tired toes
Katherine M (Forest Hills, NY United States)
I don't have fungus, but after reading the product description decided to buy this product anyway. It's a refreshing, non-drying foot soap. As a diabetic, I have to be careful about how a bath leaves my skin, especially in winter. This allows for a gentle, antibiotic cleansing. Revives the tired toes and soothes hard working feet.
Win the fungus battle...
I Want Foot Fungus Relief!
Smells GREAT!!!!
Belloumini (Berkeley, CA)
My boyfriend had the world's WORST SMELLING feet!!!!! So his socks constantly smell like death and normal laundry soap just doesn't get rid of the smell. I decided to use FungaSoap along with our normal detergent to see if it would help with the smell...boy it sure did! Using FungaSoap as an additional detergent really got rid of the smell, so I recommend this product to anyone who might have a foot odor or body odor. Just add one squeeze around the washer.
Great Product
Johnny B (New York)
I use this product all the time. It’s great for when I workout and it leaves me feeling refreshed and clean.
Free from fungal toenails
Suzanne from Florida
“I wanted to take this opportunity to write and thank you for sharing your FungaSoap® with me. I have suffered with fungal toenails for many years and thought I would never see them disappear. I have used your FungaSoap for more than a year now and the problem has all but disappeared. This is truly a miracle. My ugly toenails are now respectable looking…Again, thank you for discovering this wonderful product.”
Huge difference for fraction of the price
Dorene from Alabama
“I purchased your FungaSoap® and have some comments. I have suffered with severe athlete’s foot for about a year now. I have gone to the doctors and had numerous prescriptions. The last cost me $89 a bottle and it did nothing. I have been using your product for 3 weeks now. After the first 10 days I saw a dramatic change. Now after 3 weeks I’m convinced you have the cure. I will tell everyone I know about your product and recommend it highly.”
Herman from Florida
“I have had a very bad case of fungus under my toenails for the past 50 years. I was fortunate enough to find out about your product FungaSoap® and have been using it for about 4 months now. The results are miraculous.”
Athlete’s Foot Help
Hank from Texas
“FungaSoap® has helped with my (athlete’s foot) condition tremendously and provided relief, especially from itching.”
Win the fungus battle...
I Want Foot Fungus Relief!
Works well
C. Appleton (Madison AL)
Worked well on itch. Its certainly no miracle cure. Like other reviews say you have to use it everyday. I will probably buy this again.
This stuff works, just don't use it as a body wash
M. Marlowe (Santa Barbara)
It just doesn't smell that good (to me).. Maybe it will smell like bacon and eggs and fresh coffee to someone else. No but seriously, this stuff works. I work out three times a week and I started to get athletes foot so I started using some cream but putting on the cream everyday is annoying. If you just wash your feet with this stuff every time you shower you should not get any fungus. It will clear up any you already have. Buy it. It's way cheaper than the powders and creams too..
Finally, Relief!
M. Rice "Grandma" (Phoenix)
I picked this up to use as a cooling foot soak, and when I read on the bottle that it can be used as a body wash I tried it. After spending nearly 35 years struggling with a skin rash that did not respond to dermatologists' treatments, I found this product began to heal my rash the first time! I was so excited that I continued using it on the areas with the rash and it completely went away. When I ran out, I didn't get a new bottle right away, and the rash reappeared! I immediately purchased another bottle, and the rash went away as it had the first time. Based on my experience and reading those of other reviewers, I have to say that this is truly the most versatile product I have ever used!
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